![]() NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW NEW No Numbing NEW No Pain NEW No Downtime NEW Higher Energy NEW Faster Results With only one treatment NeoGen can simultaneously treat: -fine lines + deep wrinkles -pigmentation, age spots, sun damage -melasma + rosacea -scarring on face + body -loose skin on upper +lower eyelids -dark under eye circles -large pores-actinic + seborrheic keratosis -active acne + acne scars -crepey or loose skin on your face + body NeoGen PSR is a non-invasive and innovative treatment of wrinkles that uses plasma technology to rejuvenate the skin. The plasma energy generated by a Neogen plasma, causes controlled damage to the skin surface, trigger in the body’s natural healing process, and promoting collagen and elastin a production. Overtime, the new collagen and elastin help to reduce the appearance of wrinkles, leaving the skin smoother, tighter, and more useful looking. #nonsurgicalfacelift #timemachinecapecod #neogenplasmacapecod #Emergentmedical #NEOGENPLASMAPSR #neogenpsr #plasmatechnology #lighteningfacial #ispeakyourage #yarmouthportspa #capecodfacials #capecodspa #Collagenboosterfacial #lovelivelocal #strategicskincare #dermaplane #Hydrofacial #microneedling #oxygeneo #peel #retinol #brownspots #facialsnearme #neogenplasmaboston #neogenplasmaduxbury #neogenplasmahyannis #neogenplasmabarnstable #neogenplasmaptown #neogenplasmachatham #neogenplasmafalmouth
![]() "Imagine a person who is dedicated to taking care of your skin at every age and making the mantra “I speak your age” meaningful! Meet Sheryl O’Donoghue Baba, an esthetician, makeup artist, and educator, CEO of SBaba Skincare, a beautifully crafted skincare brand that provides Facial Rejuvenation treatments. Sheryl O’Donoghue Baba is committed to boosting the confidence of her clients, providing customized professional treatments, and providing better homecare guidance with her STRATEGIC SKINCARE at SBaba Skincare brand! Today we are here to conduct an interview with her and, obviously, to dig deeper into her 30+ years of experience and gain some knowledge. Talking about your mantra, which is “I speak your age”. Can you elaborate on this philosophy, and how it is integrated or used in skincare? My Confident Aging Program utilizes strategy honed by my 30+ years in the beauty industry and the fact I am 62! I believe my client’s value and appreciate my “life experience”. Many women are not comfortable explaining issues of their aging skin to the twenty-year-old salesperson at the cosmetic counter. Read More......at SBabaSkincare.com ![]() and You could win NeoGen Plasma Glow Up Raffle! Raffle tickets are $50, winner will be drawn May 25th. Runner up prizes-Five lucky people will enjoy a FREE NeoGen Hand Treatment, value $250 100% of the proceeds will go to Cape Wellness Collaborative in support of their generous program providing meals and therapeutic care for people facing cancer. Purchase Tickets Here What's NeoGen Plasma Technology? Cutting edge Facial Rejuvenation! Look like yourself -only years younger! Holistic/ Non-Invasive Minimal Discomfort Minimal Downtime Results in One Week More Results in 6 Months Complete Results in One year -and THIS is your new starting point for aging! *Treatment value up to$1500. No Cash value. Service rendered on Cape Cod. Winner must consent to approved photos/video to be published on social media and website. More details at www.NeoGenPlasmaCapeCod.com #capewellness #capewellnesscollaborative #cwc #wellnesseats #cancersucks #cancersurvivor #entertowin #nonsurgicalfacelift #timemachinecapecod #neogenplasmacapecod #Emergentmedical #NEOGENPLASMAPSR #ispeakyourage #yarmouthportspa #capecodfacials #capecodspa #lovelivelocal ![]() Donna Potter, Barbie Clemons and I are hosting an Informative Open House Sunday, February 4th 12-3pm to introduce our latest Modalities: NeoGen Plasma SYLFIRM X RF Microneedling CoolSculpting ELITE Manual Scar Revision Info, demos, drawings and refreshments! Grand Prizes include: FREE Botox, Half off your NeoGen Plasma treatment, Massage -and More!!!! Limited Tickets are $20 and proceeds will be donated to the Needy Fund Cape Cod *First 10 guests to Register will take home a special gift! Must attend event or gift forfeited! *Kitsy will be here in spirit as she is in CostaRica for the week! SBaba Skincare, Collaborative & Med Spa 710 Route 6A, YarmouthPort, MA 02675 [email protected] 508-776-2942 Are you bothered by the annoying veins on your hands? Donna Potter can help! ![]() With age, skin loses elasticity, thins, and becomes more transparent, causing large veins in the hands to become more visible and bulgier. Rather than removing them and reducing possible future IV access sites that may be needed someday, filler can be gently injected around these large hand veins, reducing their bulgy appearance, providing a more youthful appearance. Restylane Lyft Is the only FDA approved filler for hands and the results are natural in appearance. Results are immediate and improve over the course of 2-4 weeks. You should wait approximately 2 weeks after a NeoGen procedure before treatment For questions and consults Text/Call Donna Potter at 508-259-6634 ![]() Curious about the magic of NeoGen Plasma Technology? Just swirl your finger in for a little taste of what could be! Friday, November 10th ,11-4pm, SBaba Skincare of YarmouthPort will be hosting a NeoGen Pop-Up for “Hands Alone” Treatments! Hands Alone Treatment regular price $250, PopUp Special only $150 You may text/email for appt or be spontaneous and POP by! Your NeoGen Hands Treatment will help to lighten brown spots, lessen the look of veins and boniness by thickening the skin with healthy new Collagen. Your results will show up within a month, continue working for a year! You may schedule additional sessions for even more results! *Post care: Keep hands clean and mostly dry. Until healed keep hands clean and moisturized. NO scratching or picking! If you book your NeoGen Face treatment you will be entitled to Introductory Pricing if you book before January 1st! Text 508-776-2942 Email: [email protected] Visit NeoGenPlasmaCapeCod.com for details! By Cindy J. Papp, Contributing Editor the aesthetic guide/sept oct 2023 ![]() Gas-derived nitrogen plasma has emerged as a new gold standard in energy-based aesthetic technology for skin rejuvenation and comprehensive corrective dermal health. Developed by Energist Ltd. (Swansea, U.K.) and distributed in the U.S. by Emergentmedtech (Hudson, N.H.),NeoGen PSR is a leader for this unique energy source with seven FDA indications. NeoGen PSR is reportedly the only plasma technology with 7 FDA indications. The device is cleared as a skin resurfacing procedure for the face, neck and chest, harnessesing the power of nitrogen plasma for a safe and effective solution to skin revitalization and overall tissue regeneration. This device uses an ultrahigh frequency (UHF) generator to convert inert nitrogen gas into activated ionized gas, or plasma, using nitrogen plasma for skin regeneration. Investigators in one clinical study found a 37% reduction in facial rhytides, with 68% of the participants noting an overall improvement in facial appearance. Manufactured by Welsh company Energist, NeoGen Plasma has a crucial point of difference compared to the type of plasma devices we’re already familiar with – it uses nitrogen. The key point here is that nitrogen doesn’t need oxygen to create plasma, and oxygen, as a key component in fire, is what causes the skin to char in traditional plasma treatments, causing those microscopic burns. Instead, with NeoGen, atmospheric oxygen is ’pushed’ out of the way as the nitrogen plume comes out of the device’s tip, so that by the time the energy hits the skin there is no oxygen present. This means that the outer layer of skin remains intact, with no charring, ablation, puncturing or vaporizing of the skin.
Making plasma safe again ‘Plasma as a whole gets a bad name because it’s associated with plasma pens and plasma shower – potentially very dangerous devices,’ says Dr Raj Thethi. ‘I’ve had patients come into clinic six months or a year later after being treated with those devices, and the scars still haven’t gone – this is psychologically and physically traumatizing.’ Dr Thethi, a TTG-registered practitioner and the first doctor in the UK to use NeoGen in clinic, says that keeping the skin intact is crucial for healing to commence. Instead, he explains, ‘NeoGen’s plasma thermal energy permeates the skin’s surface, conducting high temperatures via water contained within the patient’s tissue, penetrating to the reticular dermis [the thick bottom layer of the skin]. The heat generated can be very tightly controlled, which translates into predictable, reliable outcomes. I don’t want anything unpredictable in my clinic – I want to make sure that I am tightening, resurfacing and regenerating the skin in a safe framework where it won’t cause my patients any harm.’ Plasma as a whole gets a bad name because it’s associated with plasma pens and plasma shower – potentially very dangerous devices. Because the energy targets water in the skin tissue, patients need to be well hydrated in the days before treatment, and Dr Thethi applies a hydrating mask to the skin prior to using the device. The NeoGen device allows the practitioner to select the required depth of energy depending on each patient and what they’re trying to achieve, which again means that downtime can be easily predicted depending on the intensity of the treatment – from superficial tightening all the way through to deep skin regeneration comparable to ablative CO2 treatments. ‘The layer of non-viable tissue will then flake off over four to seven days, and the underlying skin gets a massive reboot and comes through as if it were young skin again – tmhose ongoing architectural changes will continue to occur for three to six months after treatment,’ explains Dr Thethi. He describes the result as having ‘taken away the frosted glass – the skin looks fresher, younger, smoother and firmer.’ Read full story.... |
AuthorSheryl Baba Archives
November 2024